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Looking for Valuant? You are in the right place!

Valuant is now Abrigo, giving you a single source to Manage Risk and Drive Growth

Make yourself at home – we hope you enjoy your new web experience.

Looking for DiCOM? You are in the right place!

DiCOM Software is now part of Abrigo, giving you a single source to Manage Risk and Drive Growth. Make yourself at home – we hope you enjoy your new web experience.

Looking for TPG Software? You are in the right place!

TPG Software is now part of Abrigo. You can continue to count on the world-class Investment Accounting software and services you’ve come to expect, plus all that Abrigo has to offer.

Make yourself at home – we hope you enjoy being part of our community.

IFSLeaseWorks is now part of Abrigo.

Diversify your portfolio and earn additional interest income. End-to-end lease origination and administration automation make it possible.

Read the press announcement

Virtual ALM and Product Training

ALM User Group

This Fall - Date TBA

Save the Date

Incorporate current ALM topics into your
Asset/Liability Model

Join Foresight and Abrigo ALM users and industry colleagues at a Virtual User Group for a half-day workshop focusing on ALM hot topics and product-specific training. The session will kick off with  the current state of the economy and its impact on financial results and projections followed by specific sessions on how to implement these ideas in your model. Abrigo Virtual User Group meetings provide attendees with the opportunity to ask questions, listen, learn, and collaborate with other users to enhance your ALM knowledge and product skills. Save the date and register this spring and join us for this information-filled day. 

Registration coming

Industry Knowledge & Product Best Practices

Hear the latest topics impacting
the ALM industry

Topics Covered

Topics coming soon 

Meet The Experts | More Speakers Coming Soon

ALM User Group Speakers

Who Should Attend

FARIN Foresight and Abrigo ALM Users
As an Abrigo customer, you have trusted your asset liability model to Abrigo. Our ALM products were created for those institutions seeking a higher level of strategy and decision making in addition to their regular reporting, budgeting, and maintaining basic regulatory compliance.

Abrigo is committed to your success which is why we offer users an opportunity to come together, stay on top of ALM hot topics and best practices with your application. 



Abrigo is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

Cancellation & Transfer Policy: Registration and all transfer requests close one week prior to the event. 

Join your peers at the ALM User Group