Webinar: Enterprise Risk Management – Hosted by CBANC
Webinar: Enterprise Risk Management – Hosted by CBANC
What do you need for a strong Enterprise Risk Management program?
Risk management is fundamental to the business of banking. Failing to institute a strong risk management structure is considered unsafe and unsound conduct. As such, risk management is the main focus of your examiners. Learn what examiners are looking for within your institution to demonstrate strong risk management practices throughout the enterprise. As always, one size does not fit all – while the basic requirements are the same, examiners expect more sophistication for larger, more complex institutions. We will also discuss how to ensure your risk management structure is evolving and growing parallel with your institution’s growth.
In this webinar, Jessica Caballero, CRCM, discusses:
- What makes a strong enterprise risk management program and what required elements must be in place.
- What key management information systems are key to mitigating certain risks.
- What quality indicators examiners quickly notice that may heavily drive your RAS ratings.
Meet Your Presenter
Jessica Caballero, CRCM
Senior Risk Management Consultant, Banker’s Toolbox