In a sea of tech companies, Sageworks rises to top award

In this area, Sageworks operates among a sea of incredible tech companies. It’s with that in mind, that the company was extremely honored and excited to accept the recent award for
“Highest Achieving Enterprise” in the WRAL TechWire awards.
For the last five years, the WRAL TechWire Awards have recognized North Carolina’s top tech executives and businesses. Awards given include Highest Achieving Enterprise, Fastest Growing Startup, Most Noteworthy Enterprise Founders or Investors, and Top Startup Director, among others. As North Carolina’s leading source of news on the state’s technology and life sciences sectors, WRAL TechWire is well-positioned to bestow these honors.
According to WRAL, more than 100 individuals and companies were nominated by WRAL TechWire readers for the awards. The finalists were selected after a review by the awards committee and the winners were chosen by popular vote. Sageworks was one of three finalists in the Highest Achieving Enterprise category. The company was up against IBM Watson and Bandwidth for the honor.
“We are thrilled about receiving this award from WRAL TechWire,” Sageworks CEO Scott Ogle noted. “The Triangle is full of incredible technology and information businesses, and it’s great to be recognized among such a strong peer group. Winning this honor is certainly a tribute to our incredible team.”
Other winners in this year’s WRAL TechWire Awards include Red Hat, MATI Energy and Bull City Venture Partners. Several individuals, including SAS Founder Jim Goodnight, were recognized as members of TechWire’s Hall of Fame.
This honor comes on the heels of another big award achievement by Sageworks. Earlier this month, the company was named
“Overall Most Innovative” in Barlow Research’s Monarch Innovation Awards.
To learn more about Sageworks, read about the company’s history.
Image credits: WRAL Techwire, Sageworks