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Seven Goals for BSA Officers in 2017

January 5, 2017
Read Time: 0 min

New Year’s Resolutions for BSA/AML Professionals


The holiday season has passed and 2017 is in full swing. By now, you’ve probably cleared all your emails, organized your desk space and maybe even started tackling that big project you put off before vacation. Admit it – it feels good to be back!

Now that we’re a few days into the New Year, it’s time to start conquering your goals. Here are seven goals for BSA Officers in 2017:

  1. Attend a conference. Conferences are a great way to meet like-minded individuals, learn something new and maybe even visit a city you’ve never been to before. ACAMS, ABA and CUNA put on some larger events each year. If your budget is limited, look for smaller regional events and workshops. Plus, don’t forget about our favorite conference, BUG!
  2. Become an expert in a new topic. It may seem like you never have a minute to spare. But this year, remember to set aside time for learning. Have you been meaning to delve into the topic of terrorist financing or the dark web, for example? Perhaps block off 30 minutes a week to read articles, listen to webinars, complete training videos or simply practice a skill you need work on.

  3. Initiate a new project. We know what you’re thinking – you’re busy enough already. But isn’t there a project you wish you could tackle? Something you’d like to achieve for 2017? Whether it’s implementing new software or changing an internal process, make this the year to get started leading the project.

  4. Plan for 2018. Yes, we’re just a few days into 2017. However, remember to keep 2018 (and beyond) in the back if your mind. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are the strongest, most robust BSA/AML compliance programs. Even in your everyday tasks, keep the bigger picture of your program’s future in mind. Tip: The year 2018 will also bring big changes to your customer due diligence program. Click here to see if you’re prepared.

  5. Attend more webinars. Webinars are one of the easiest and most practical ways to learn. Bonus: many BSA/AML webinars are free to attend. Even if you can’t sit in when the webinar is live, Banker’s Toolbox and some other organizations will allow you to attend on-demand. Click here to view an inventory of Banker’s Toolbox webinars for free!

  6. Leverage your business intelligence. As BSA Officer, the work you do extends into many areas of the bank. You’re not just clearing alerts and filing SARs – you’re helping to manage your institution’s risk. You understand whom the bank does business with, and you’ve got insights that matter to marketing, operations, frontline staff and senior management alike. That’s a big deal!

  7. Celebrate yourself. Through all the hard work you do this year, remember to stop and recognize your accomplishments. The work you do truly matters to protecting our financial system, and it is appreciated. This year, take time to treat yourself or simply give yourself a break. You deserve it!

We know you’ll do a great job conquering your goals this year. If strengthening your BSA/AML program through business intelligence is one of them, contact one of our experts today.

What other BSA goals do you have in 2017? Let us know on Facebook or LinkedIn. Happy New Year!

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