Top 10 banking webinars of 2015
Are you staying current with the hot topics in banking? While the FASB’s CECL model has garnered much of the industry’s attention as of late, several other topics within credit, stress testing and the ALLL were of interest to banks and credit unions in 2015. Sageworks, a provider of credit risk and portfolio management solutions, regularly hosts complimentary webinars for banks and credit unions. Below are the top 10 highest-attended webinars of 2015, with links to view the complimentary recordings.
10. Building Blocks for Effective Loan Portfolio Stress Testing – In this webinar, John Behringer, a partner at RSM US, covered regulatory expectations for stress testing policies and procedures, critical data points for stress testing and how to use stress test results to better manage credit risk.
9. How to Use Tax Returns for Global Cash Flow with Multiple Pass-Through Entities – Using tax returns to analyze global cash flow with multiple pass-through entities, without double-counting or leaving cash flow out, is the area of greatest confusion in tax return analysis. In this webinar, Linda Keith of Linda Keith CPA cut through the confusion to clarify choices available and how to make them.
8. Common Questions Surrounding the ASC 310-10-35 (FAS 114) Calculation – In this webinar, Sageworks risk management consultants covered the key characteristics of ASC 310-10-35 loans, the differences between ASC 450-20 (FAS 5) & ASC 310-10-35 loans, when an impaired loan can move back to ASC 450-20 status and the three valuation methods for calculating impaired loans.
7. How and Why to Use ALLL Scenario Building – During this webinar, Rob Ashbaugh, senior risk management consultant at Sageworks, demonstrated how to build ALLL scenarios and where that type of planning can help, including when altering look-back periods, changing loss methodologies and preparing for the FASB’s CECL model.
6. Healthy Portfolio? 7 Ways ALLL Experts Diagnose Risk – Using and storing loan-level data has many benefits, both currently and in the future under the FASB’s CECL model. In this webinar, Sageworks risk management consultants discussed how your ALLL can help you evaluate different parts of your portfolio, what ALLL data can tell you about your institution’s health and seven ways to use ALLL data to diagnose risk.
5. Q Factors: Data, Drivers & Documentation – In this webinar, attendees learned what data points can be used to justify qualitative adjustments made to the ALLL, how to use drivers to ensure directional consistency and recommendations for supporting Q Factor documentation.
4. What Basel Says About Expected Credit Loss (ECL) – In this webinar, Sageworks and Grant Thornton discussed what the Basel Committee said about transitioning to ECL and the top ways it could impact financial institutions, including (1) new, forward-looking requirements, (2) tying credit risk management to the ALLL and (3) the incorporation of backtesting and scenario building.
3. Impaired and Impairment: Is There a Difference? – During this webinar, attendees heard from Sageworks risk management consultants on how to determine if a loan is impaired and how that impacts the calculation of the ALLL.
2. CECL Prep: Do’s and Don’ts – Sageworks and Dixon Hughes Goodman partnered on this webinar to review the expected loss model as proposed, do’s and don’ts for bankers as they prepare and ways CECL will impact the ALLL calculation.
1. TDR 101 – “ALLL” About Troubled Debt Restructurings – The most popular Sageworks webinar of 2015, with more than 1,000 registrations, reviewed the evolution of guidance on TDRs, measuring impairment, pooling of TDRs, risk grading and accrual status, and general best practices and regulatory demands.
To register for future webinars or to see the full archive, visit Sageworks Upcoming Webinars.