BUG 2017 Recap – Thank You!
Thank you to all who made the Banker’s Toolbox User Group Conference a Success!
Last week, Banker’s Toolbox hosted 200+ clients from all over the country for our 13th Annual Banker’s Toolbox User Group Conference (BUG). It was 2.5 days packed with industry hot topics, product training, roundtable meetings, panel discussions, networking, celebrating and more.
Chip Poncy, one of the founders of beneficial ownership, discussed the past, present and future of the new regulation. Harry Jimenez, Deputy Chief at the Bexar County Sheriff Office, captivated the audience with real-world stories of human trafficking (and how bankers can help), and Banker’s Toolbox industry experts discussed CDD action plans, risk rating best practices, sanctions, staffing assessments and more. These are just a portion of the topics we covered last week at BUG.
“BUG is a perfect chance for us to connect with like-minded individuals to share stories and best practices, and to celebrate our accomplishments!” said Kathryn Rumptz, event coordinator for Banker’s Toolbox.
And as Banker’s Toolbox Chief Revenue Officer Darrin Hanson said, “Family is NOT too strong a word to describe this group of passionate advocates. It describes not only how they feel about Banker’s Toolbox and our world class software, but also how they feel about and interact with each other.”
Darrin’s sentiments were clear at BUG 2017! Here’s what some customers had to say about the event:
- “I thought BUG was probably the best conference I have ever attended. Thank you!”
- “I really had a great time at the conference. I learned a lot. I thought it was a perfect blend of learning about the Bankers Toolbox product, hearing from law enforcement and other information like the staffing assessment (very timely and something you don’t often hear about anywhere else!). I thought the speakers were top notch. The facility was beautiful. Texas weather was amazing!! All around bravo to everyone who put this together!”
- “I really enjoyed BUG this year! The hotel was nice and there were so many fun things to do close by.”
- “Great event! Learned a lot! Met very nice and knowledgeable people, both BKTB employees and the attendees.”
On breaks, dinners, happy hours and events –
- “The break times were good for networking.”
- “We had a wonderful time! From the Pre-BUG Workshop until the end of the conference was absolutely amazing! Great information, the speakers were phenomenal and the amount of knowledge and experience that the BKTB team holds is beyond impressive. One of the most valuable takeaways I have from BUG is the amount confidence gained, not only in your staff but also the company. I can honestly say I know y’all are here for us! Thanks for all you do! : )”
- “Dinner was perfect. Y’all always outdo yourselves!”
From first-time BUG attendees –
- “This was my first Bug experience and the information I received during the conference was extremely valuable. I had several takeaways from this conference. Great job BKTB.”
- “Great 1st Conference. The BKTB Staff was outstanding making sure to answer questions or linking to the right person for help. Way To Go!”
- “I was a first-time attendee and I thought it was very well put together.”
Banker’s Toolbox extends a special thank you to everyone who attended, presented and organized BUG 2017. Most importantly, thank you for your feedback! We love hearing which types of sessions and speakers value you the most, and we aim to give you the best conference experience possible. THANK YOU!
To check out more photos from BUG, visit our Facebook. To learn more about joining the Banker’s Toolbox family, click here. We’ll see you next year!