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Valuant is now Abrigo, giving you a single source to Manage Risk and Drive Growth

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Looking for DiCOM? You are in the right place!

DiCOM Software is now part of Abrigo, giving you a single source to Manage Risk and Drive Growth. Make yourself at home – we hope you enjoy your new web experience.

Checklists for evaluating ALM model vendors

An asset/liability model is critical to a financial institution’s success, and a rigorous approach is required to choose a model that is compliant with regulations and tailored to the institution’s specific needs. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to selecting an ALM model, so banks and credit unions should carefully evaluate their options to find one that suits their unique goals and reporting requirements.

The following checklists are meant to serve as a guide for evaluating ALM model approaches.

  • Vendor background
  • Model functionality
  • Implementation and support
  • Information security factors


Additional ALM resource: Find out more about effective asset/liability management models in this guide, Choosing an effective ALM model.